The File menu commands are used for selection of documents to be opened, for selection of scanner and for starting the scanning, for document printing or conversion to different raster formats, for closing the documents and for exiting the program.

This menu also shows up to four file names of documents that were most recently used. Clicking on a name opens the selected document. Names of these files are stored in the TSLSV.INI file in the section [Recent File List].

The Open command is used for selection of a composite document or a single drawing file, which is to be opened by SuperView. In the dialog box, launched by the Open command, you should select a needed file format type, disk drive and directory on this drive.

As a result of these selections the program will display the list of all files in the selected directory with the selected extension. Every change of the format type or of a disk and/or directory is immediately reflected in the displayed list of files. Opening of a document file from that list is done by its selection with the left mouse button click and then clicking the OK button; the left mouse button double click on the file name on the list is an alternative method.

When you select raster or vector drawing file for opening, SuperView creates a new composite document, which contains a single drawing just selected.

When the Shift or Control key is pressed, it is possible to select multiple file names. When the Shift key is pressed, you select only the first and the last of files you want to open and all the files between them on the list will also be selected. When the Control key is pressed, you select multiple file names by clicking on each of them separately - they do not have to be neighbours on the list. After selecting all desired file names, you click the OK button and all selected files are opened - each in its own window.

The Open command can be always used, i.e. you can view more then one document at any given moment. Documents are displayed in separate windows. Only one of them is active at any given moment - its title bar is displayed in a different color - and all commands apply to this document. To make another document window active, you simply click this window area. If it is invisible, you select it from the list available in the Window menu. The Window menu is also used for document windows ordering.

The Scan command is used to start scanning of a new document. Depending on the kind of scanned document (single-page or multiple-page) one of two options can be selected:

Before scanning it is necessary to select a file name and a raster format of the drawing that will be created as a result of scanning. After scanning, a new composite document is created, containing a single raster file with the scanned image.

The Copy Special To... command is used to make a copy of a document and save it to a selected file. The width, height and resolution of created file are defined by the same parameters as in the Copy Special command.

The default parameters are set for copying to the A4-size page with a resolution typical for fax devices. These parameters are read from four variables, Width, Height, Xres and Yres, all with the ClipboardCopySpec prefix defined in the TSLRVC Library Settings section of the TSLSV.INI file. All these parameters can be changed by editing this file. New values are used next time the program is run.

Saving a document in a new file can be combined with changing of the raster format and compression mode (see the Convert... command from the File menu).

When multiple documents are displayed, the command acts only on the current document.

(CTXTDEF:HIDD_SUBFORMAT)In the dialog box invoked by the Copy Special To... command you select a raster format type, a disk drive and a directory on this drive. Next, you enter a file name with an extension that is appropriate for the selected raster format type. You may type it or select it from the displayed list of files with previously chosen extension. If another file with the same name exists, the program asks you, if you want to overwrite the existing file. If the selected output file type supports multiple compression modes, you can choose a compression mode in an additional dialog box Compression Mode for Output Document, which opens automatically.

The Document menu commands are used for composite document management. Using these commands it is possible to add and delete drawings to/from composite document, to change the order in which they overlap one another, to change properties of individual drawings belonging to the composite document (like their position, current page or visibility status) and to change parameters of the composite document as a whole (e.g. its presentation units).

For each component drawing its visible area, called viewport, is defined. Initially (after adding the drawing to the document) it is set to full drawing extents. Viewport areas can be changed after entering the Selecting mode using the Selecting command from the Document menu (also available on toolbar). The Reset Viewport command sets the viewports of currently selected documents to their initial size (full extents of each respective drawing).

Entering the Selecting mode is also necessary when one of: Enable, Disable, Change Link..., Copy..., Order, Move, Properties..., Undo, Redo commands from the Document menu is to be issued, because each of these commands operates on currently selected drawings (Change Link..., Copy..., Properties..., Undo, Redo are active only when exactly one drawing is selected).

The Properties... command launches the Composite Document dialog box. This dialog box groups together most of commands available in the Document menu (described in following sections). In addition to buttons for issuing these commands, the Composite Document dialog box displays a list of component drawings in the current composite document. Using this list it is easy to select drawings as arguments to commands that operate on specified drawings.

The Composite Document dialog box lists the component drawings in four columns. The first, the second and the third column show the drawing status information, and the fourth one displays drawing file names. The first column contains plus sign (+), if the corresponding drawing is enabled (visible) or minus sign (-), if the drawing is disabled (invisible). The second column can be empty or it can contain either the “N/A” text, if the drawing’s file can not be found, or the “R/O” text, if the drawing is open in the read-only mode. The third column contains “S” character, if the corresponding drawing is selected.

If the Properties... command is issued in the selecting state (see description of the Selecting command), currently selected drawings will be shown as selected in the dialog box list. After closing the Composite Document dialog box in the selecting state, drawings which were selected in the dialog box list remain selected and the other drawings are not selected. This way it is possible to perform drawing selection from the list of component drawings. This selection method is alternative to the mouse click selection method described in the Selecting command section below.

The Params... command from the Document menu is active only when exactly one drawing is selected. This command launches the Raster Drawing Parameters dialog box (or Vector Drawing Parameters, depending on the current drawing type), which allows to edit technical parameters of the selected drawing.

The Raster Drawing Parameters dialog box is a tabbed dialog. It can have from one up to three pages. The page titled Parameters is always present. The page titled Pages is present only when properties of multipage raster drawing are shown. The page titled Colors is present only when at least one drawing page is monochrome. On the Parameters page you can set the following:

On the Pages page you can select the current page of multipage raster drawing.

On the Colors page you can select color of monochrome raster drawing.

Vector Drawing Parameters dialog box is a tabbed dialog. It has two pages: Parameters and Layers. On the Parameters page you can set the following parameters:

On the Layers page it is possible to enable or disable displaying of particular layer of the vector drawing.

In the Change Orientation group of both drawing parameter dialogs there are icons with arrows describing available orientation changes. To make orientation changes even simpler there is also an icon with the P character. After entering the Drawing Parameters dialog box this icon shows the P character in normal orientation. After pressing any of buttons with arrows, the P character rotates accordingly, thus showing how drawing will be rotated when the OK button is pressed.

The values of drawing parameters are saved in the drawing file, if the drawing format allows for it, and in an additional parameter file with the same name as drawing file name but with TAF extension. The additional file is located in the same disk directory as the drawing file. The additional parameter file is necessary, because not every parameter can be saved in the original drawing file. Some drawing file formats allow to store more parameters than other formats. Parameters saved in the original drawing file override parameters saved in its additional parameter file. Creation and reading of parameter files can be controlled using the BRAOpenOptions parameter in the TSLSV.INI file.

The parameter values are read from the drawing file and possibly from its parameter file. All of them can be changed, except for Drawing Extents that are calculated from other parameters. When any parameter has been changed, the drawing is considered changed, and SuperView asks the user for saving changes in a file, when it is about to be closed.

The Zoom menu commands are used for displaying selected fragments of documents and for magnifying or lessening the current view.

For each open document SuperView keeps a full view of this document. This feature allows to execute the Zoom - Extents command very fast. Full view cache is also used for other zooms, unless it decreases view quality too much. The Regenerate command forces the full resolution redraw without using the intermediate stored view. Storing and using of the full view cache can be disabled by setting the UseFullViewCache parameter in the TSLSV.INI file.

The View menu contains commands to activate and deactivate Toolbar and Status Bar.

The Status Bar command toggles the display state (visible/invisible) of the status bar (see the Windows and menus layout section), which is located at the bottom of the main SuperView window.

If this option is switched on - what is indicated by the presence of a marker before the command name in the View menu - then the status bar is displayed, presenting in its left part the verbal description of the command currently being selected from the application menu or from the toolbar. Library procedures also display its messages on the status bar - mostly with percentages of progress of their complex operations. The Measure Distance command from the Options menu displays its results on the left side of the status bar.

There are three information windows on the right side of the status bar. They are used to display (from left to right):

Switching the Status Bar option off by clicking on its name in the View menu results in disappearing of the status bar. The next click on the option name switches the option and the status bar on.

The Options menu commands can be used to set some parameters of the current scanner and to measure distance (in the real world units) between points of the current document.

The Configuration command opens SuperView Configuration dialog where you can configure SuperView program. The dialog consists of 5 tabs:

Open, Save, Magnifying Glass, View, Print.

The Open tab allows you to configure options that control opening SuperView files:

The Parameters file options… button invokes the External Parameters File Options dialog that lets you set options and priority of particular file formats. The parameter values are read from the image file and possibly from its attribute file. All of them can be changed, except for the Effective Image Extents that are calculated from other parameters. When any parameter has been changed, the image is considered as changed, and SuperView asks the user for saving changes in a file, when it is about to be closed.

You can specify the following options for each parameter file format:

Additionally you can define parameter file priority by sorting them in the list.

The OTM Geographical Mapping sub-menu is checked when some geographical mapping is active. The sub-menu of the Geographical Mapping option consists of the items described below.

The Geographical Mapping dialog consists of the listbox with names of geographical mapping systems supported by TSLGEO32.DLL (see Geographical Mapping Systems in???). The name and description of selected mapping are displayed in Mapping Name and Mapping Description boxes.

Activate Parameters... button to set parameters of selected mapping by means of additional dialog box. A content of the dialog depends on the mapping. The button is disabled if the chosen system is not configurable (it has no changeable parameters).

Use OK button to accept the selected mapping and close the dialog. Use Cancel button to withdraw changes made (if any) and close the dialog.

The purpose of the Window menu commands is to change the layout of open document windows. The third part of this menu displays a list of open document names. These names are equivalent to document window names, which allows to select a new current (active) window. This is necessary, since the required window may be completely covered by other windows. The current window is marked in the menu with a check marker.

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