This feature gives the possibility of customization of menu bars and toolbars. It will prevent losing records in XML files when you install new version of HyperDoc Online. Please remember, that this is only declaration part. If you add new buttons or menu option you will still have to add configuration definition of menu's items or buttons to INI file.

This functionality is set in [Configuration] section of HdocASP.ini configuration file.

New parameters should be added:

Sample entry in HdocASP.ini:

LinkToSpot_enabled = "true"; 
LinkToSpot_hopa_page_name = "HOPAGetView4Object.asp";
LinkToSpot_zoomspot = "130"; 
LinkToSpot_additional_parameters = "&Width=800&Height=600";

LinkToSpot_enabled sets if the option is enabled or not. Default value is false.

LinkToSpot_hopa_page_name defines which HOPA .asp page is loaded for selected spot.

LinkToSpot_zoomspot parameter takes unsigned integer as a value. This parameter is applicable for both HOPAGetView4ObjectEx and HOPAGetView4Object functions. If the parameter is set to 0, HOPA function will use AncClass parameter to display spot on an object that is higher in hierarchy and the image will not be centered on the spot of interest. When zoomspot parameter is set to a value greater than 0 than HOPA function will use SMP (shortcut for Spot Margin Percent – see hopa documentation for details) parameter to display spot on an object that is higher in hierarchy. Image will be then centered on the spot of interest and spot margin percent will be set to value passed in zoomspot parameter.

LinkToSpot_additional_parameters - are optional parameters. Parameters Width and Height are only applicable for HOPAGetView4Object function. Applying this parameters for HOPAGetView4ObjectEx function would create invalid link.

For user guide on this functionality refer to the section called “Copy link to spot”.

This functionality allows to define standard scales used in HyperDoc Online printing for displayed document.

To control standard scales for HyperDoc Online define standard_scales and general_scales parameters in [Configuration] section of INI file.

Sample entry in INI can look like this:


Standard scales parameter defines a list of scale values that should be matched first. If the system does not find a proper sale here it will use general scale rules to calculate best match. This will happen only for values smaller or greater than edge values on the list.

So basing on example above:

General scales parameters are used to cover all possible values that could be calculated for drawing if standard_scale parameter do not match. So value: 3.3 can result is scale of: 3.3, 33, 333, 3333 etc. depending on image.

The default values for standard_scales are "1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,400,500,800,1000".

The default values for general_scales parameter is "1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0".

You can define your own color palettes for lines and fills in Measurement mode using two parameters of [Configuration] section in INI file.

Those are:

A full color palette definition consists of single string (max length = 512) that is a sequence of 16 color descriptions, all separated by semicolons.

A color description consists of three substrings:

See the Color codes table in ??? for all colors in RGB and BGR format.

All are separated by colons.

User can define only chosen colors, colors not defined by user are taken from default palette.

A parser approves any color that meets above requirements and it rejects others.

An approved color replaces the original color in a palette.

In the case there are few descriptions of the same color the last valid description is approved.

Please see below example of color pallet definition, that is also a default one:


The default color palette for lines uses exactly the same string.

There is available new parameter for use in HDocASP.ini file in [GENERAL] section: HOPATemplateKey

Example of INI entry:


Now imagine that we have HIS installation and folder Templates where our templates are located and INI file points to this folder.

List of templates in Templates folders:

So with this parameter added to INI, in HyperDoc Online Print Preview panel, in Template drop-down all template with "hopa" in it's name will not be shown (in this example 3 templates will not be shown).

The value of this parameter is matching templates name using V Basic LIKE operator. More info can be read here here.

For more readability it's suggested to create templates name using one convention like for example: adding "Hopa_" prefix at the begining of template name.

To make sure what templates are marked as only-HOPA ones, you can visit GetTemplatesXML.asp page on your server and search for HOPATemplate="1" - those are those only-HOPA templates that are marked by HOPATemplateKey parameter.


Please note, that print templates defined using this parameter will not be shown not only in HyperDoc Online but also in HOPA EX calls with print preview panel as it works just like the one in HyperDoc Online.

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