Of course, client application can (and should) use provided component for generating value of TPID parameter. Sample ASP page in the section called “Example of ASP page” shows how to do it. Generally one should create Authentication object from HyperDoc Administration Base component (HDAdmBase.Authentication) and call two methods on it.


Please note that HyperDoc Online server part (HyperDoc Internet server) must be installed on client machine too.

Following steps should be performed on client machine. Please note that client machine is a computer where you will call HIS application. This means that SE Arkivtjanst or NO Arkivtjanst or any other site in use is a client side.

  1. Install HyperDoc Online (HyperDoc Internet server) version 4.71 or newer,

  2. Copy TPID folder with SingleSignOn files from Tessel Software Line\ASPPages\TPID to new place on your disc,

    The files provided are:

    • WriteSecKeyToReg.vbs - script, which adds to registry Secret Key for TPID


      On 64-bit systems you must use Secret Key this way:

      Click Start\run and type: %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe

      Then change location to TPID folder and type csscript WriteSecKeyToReg.vbs

    • index.asp - SP page, which contains user name and password. Please remember to set this parameters and the others like ObjID, DocID, Hierarchy etc. Additionally you have to set proper Secret Password mode and server name.

    • OpenHISfolder that contains:

      • index.html - You have to change path to GenerateTPID.asp file, user name, password and destination HIS page,

      • GenerateTPID.asp - you have to change secret password mode to proper one only.


    index.asp page in root folder (TPID) is an old version of TSL Passport that we recommend for use.

    Files in OpenHIS folder creates new possibility to use TSL Passport.

    Please note that OpenHIS way allows a user can to see UserName and Password in his browser before it is redirected to HyperHouse. It is possible tho to generate the link on server side so a user will get the links with encrypted password.

    Both ways are valid and working.

  3. Create new web application (Virtual Folder) pointing to TPID folder on disk,


    On 64-bit systems you must create Application - not Virtual Folder and set option "Enable 32-bit Applications" to True in Application pool - advanced settings.

  4. Install Microsoft CAPICOM SDK version (you may download it from here),

  5. Register C:\Program\Microsoft CAPICOM SDK\Lib\X86\capicom.dll library using following command:

    regsvr32 C:\Program\Microsoft CAPICOM SDK\Lib\X86\capicom.dll

  You can now modify contents of index.html or prepare own html page to invoke HIS. Simple call to open HIS is as following example for open demo database at HyperHouse:

<button onclick="window.open('http://yourserver/OpenHis/GenerateTPID.asp?name=username&amp;password=password&amp;url=' + encodeURIComponent('http://client.hyperhouse.se/Archive/'));" value="Open HIS">Open demo on HyperHouse</button>

If using HOPAStartUI.asp add to above example the name of this ASP file with desired parameters and values like in this example for the demo database at HyperHouse site.

See ??? for description of parameters and values for HOPAStartUI.asp (and other ASP files available in HOPA).

<button onclick="window.open('http://yourserver/OpenHis/GenerateTPID.asp?name=username&amp;password=password&amp;url=' + encodeURIComponent(http://client.hyperhouse.se/Archive/HOPAStartUI.asp?HN=HDocHierarchyDefinition&amp;OC=HDV_H1_SPACE&amp;DFS=1&amp;ID=10000912
'));" value="Open HIS">Open demo on HyperHouse with HOPAStartUI</button>

Replace values for HN (HierName), OC (ObjectClass), and ID (ID for object) that apply to Your HyperDoc database (require knowledge of HyperDoc database structure).

You may put url address and user credentials here and then invoke any HyperHouse web application. Please note that GenerateTPID.asp contains hard-coded secret password. Please do not change it, because it is common for client and server side.


TPID components writes down messages to Windows EventLog. If TPID doesn't work please run EventViewer and look at Application log. You should have Warning logged by HDAdmBase.Authentication.

GetEncryptedData(UserName, Pwd, [Time])

This method encrypts HyperDoc's user name and password together with UTC time. If time is not supplied current time is used. Remember to 'URLEncode' obtained data before using it in URL.


TPID = Server.URLEncode(oAuth.GetEncryptedData(UserName, Pwd))

To create HDAdmBase.Authentication object you should put in your ASP page code following line:

Set oAuth = Server.CreateObject("HDAdmBase.Authentication")
SetSecretPwdMode Mode, RegSuffixOrSecretKey

It sets required operating mode and (optionally) required parameters. Mode can be one of:

Of course, value of secret key has to be same on client and server.


oAuth.SetSecretPwdMode 2
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
  Dim oAuth
  Dim UserName, Pwd, URLString
  Dim SecData
  dim req
  On Error Resume Next
  Set oAuth = Server.CreateObject("HDAdmBase.Authentication")
  UserName = "admin"
  Pwd = "admin"
  URLString = "demo.hyperhouse.se"
  oAuth.SetSecretPwdMode 2, "HIS"
  SecData = Server.URLEncode(oAuth.GetEncryptedData(UserName, Pwd))
  if err.number <> 0 then
    Response.write("<html><body>" & Err.Description & "</body></html>")
      <div>Tessel Passport Example File</div>
        <div>Start SSL enabled sites:</div>
        <button onclick="window.open('https://<% = URLString%>/?TPID=<% = SecData%>')" value="Open HIS">SSL Netman - plain start</button>
        <button onclick="window.open('https://<% = URLString%>/HOPAStartUI.asp?ObjID=HDocHierarchyDefinition|1|Regions|41_O0021001&TPID=<% = SecData%>')" value="Open HIS">SSL start UI with object</button>
        <div>Start non-SSL sites:</div>
        <button onclick="window.open('http://<% = URLString%>/?TPID=<% = SecData%>')" value="Open HIS">Non SSL Netman - plain start</button>
        <button onclick="window.open('http://<% = URLString%>/HOPAStartUI.asp?ObjID=HDocHierarchyDefinition|1|Regions|41_O0021001&TPID=<% = SecData%>')" value="Open HIS">Non SSL start UI with object</button>
        <div>HOPA Calls with Tessel Passport and SSL:</div>
        <button onclick="window.open('https://<% = URLString%>/HOPAGetView4Doc.asp?SOO=1&SR=0&FM=2&W=800&BD=24&DID=10001446&TPID=<% = SecData%>')" value="Open HIS">HOPA with SSL</button>
  end if
  On Error Goto 0
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
  Dim oAuth
  Dim UserName, Pwd
  Dim SecData
  on error resume next
  Set oAuth = Server.CreateObject("HDAdmBase.Authentication")
  ' set username and password
  UserName = "admin"
  Pwd = "admin"
  ' set parameters (please remember, that this string should end with '&' sign)
  parameters = "ObjID=HDocHierarchyDefinition|1|Buildings|Building003&"
  oAuth.SetSecretPwdMode 2, "HIS"

  SecData = Replace(oAuth.GetEncryptedData(UserName, Pwd), vbCrLf, "")
  SecData = Server.URLEncode(SecData)
  if err.number <> 0 then
    Response.write("<html><body>" & Err.Description & "</body></html>")
    onloadString = "http://server_name/his/HOPAStartUI.asp?" & parameters & "TPID=" & SecData
  end if
  on error goto 0
    <a href="<% = onloadString %>">Click</a>
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