HyperDoc as a document management system distinguishes between a concept of logical document and a concept of physical document. The latter is a file with a document content, e.g. scanned image, digital photo or a spreadsheet. The former is a set of information stored in HyperDoc database concerning certain document. Document list window displays a list of logical documents in one of four modes:

- Connected Mode,

- Document Set Mode,

- Disconnected Mode.

- Infoscope Mode.

You can switch between these modes pressing one of three buttons on General toolbar or selecting appropriate option from menu View. Document List Window in Connected Mode displays documents connected to objects that are currently marked in navigation window. Document list window in Document Set Mode displays documents, which are in the current Document Set. Document List Window in Disconnected Mode displays documents, which are not connected to any objects Document list window in Infoscope Mode displays documents with spots linked to current object.

Document Set is an arbitrary named collection of documents, which can be stored in HyperDoc database. All documents from the current Document Set are displayed in Document Set Mode in the Document List Window. In other modes documents from the current Document Set are displayed with a star in the second column of Document List Window.

If you want to store information about a document in HyperDoc, you need to have a logical document. You can create one with New Document command available in Document pull-down menu and in Document List Window pop-up menu in Connected Mode and in Disconnected Mode. Only to a logical document you can attach document content file (with Attach File command available in File pull-down menu). Attaching file to a logical document you create physical document: HyperDoc copies the file to its internal file directory, where it remains in read-only mode: you cannot modify it. However you can have many different versions of one physical document. You create them with a pair of commands: Export Document Set and Import.

With Export Document Set you check out document content file from HyperDoc to your work directory, where you can modify it using appropriate application. After modifications you can import this file as a new version of physical document. This version becomes the current one, but you can make another version current. If you have a logical document without an attached content file you can use Create File command, which allows you to create MS Word or MS Excel document and attach it to the current logical document in a single step. You can also use Attach Scanned Image command to scan image and attach scanned file at once. If you have a logical document with an attached content file you can use Edit File command as a shortcut for Export – Import pair.

To express complex real-world relationships and to make navigating HyperDoc database easier you can create links between documents and business objects as well as links between documents and spots (spots are described in HyperView Window chapter).

Commands in Document pull-down menu refer to the current document. Current document is marked with a small triangular arrow in the left column of document list in Document List Window. Commands in Document List Window pop-up menu refer to a right-clicked document, except for a situation, when more than one document on the list is highlighted. In this situation Document List Window pop-up menu refers to highlighted documents and it has a different set of commands. HyperDoc temporarily highlights document to which pop-up menu applies. You can adjust column width in the Document List Window by double clicking on the right edge of a column title. HyperDoc examines column title and all visible column items to calculate optimal column width.

Document List Window has tabs in its upper part. They allow seeing documents of particular types. The All tab is always first and it shows documents of all types. Apart from the All tab there are other tabs – one for each document type. When such tab is active only documents of this particular type are displayed in the Document List Window.

Both human users and computer applications tend to organize the objects they deal with in manageable sets. HyperDoc lets you define a set of documents that belong together for whatever reason. Document Set simplifies the following operations on multiple documents:

You may modify Document Set contents manually or using Find Documents dialog. If the Document List Window is in the Connected Mode or Disconnected Mode then documents belonging to the current Document Set have “*” (star) character in their Stat column. In the Document Set Mode the Documents List Window shows documents that belong to the current Document Set. You may save Document Set under specific name in order to use it later. HyperDoc supports two types of Document Sets: Public accessible to all users, and Private accessible only to its creator.

The Document Set commands are available in the Document pull-down menu and in the Documents List Window pop-up menu.

The Attach Scanned Image command is available in the File pull-down menu and in Document List Window pop-up menu. It opens window for scanning and attaching images to the indicated document. It is available only for documents without attached files.

This feature works in same manner as in other Tessel Software Line products (e.g. SuperEdit, CADRaster). Scanning is available through TWAIN interface.

On the top of window there are buttons for managing scanning process:

Other buttons on the toolbar are same as on standard HyperDoc’s toolbars and are described in HyperView Window chapter.

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