
defines number of associations to remember in [File Associations] section;


binary value; if enabled, corrects some problems with raster palette refreshing, but it depends strongly on your Windows version, display driver type, display colors depth, AutoCAD's ADI driver. In case of problems with palettes management try switching this option off (0).


binary value; if enabled, forces default view defined by the RView command after the document is opened;


binary value; enables or disables the dialog box to confirm editing commands;


binary value; if enabled, forces AutoCAD to plot filled polygons using separate vectors. This option is to fix wrong polygon filling in some printing drivers. Use it only is you printing driver merges colors in a wrong way;


This CADRaster option is used in RCreate and RInsert commands. A percentage of the image formats available today allow transparency information to be stored in the image, and by default that information is ignored in AutoCAD, however, it can be enabled within AutoCAD using the TRANSPARENCY command. Setting image transparency to On allows AutoCAD to recognize the transparent pixels so that graphics on the screen show through those pixels. Transparency is available for both bitonal and nonbitonal (Alpha RGB or gray-scale) images. By default, images are attached with transparency turned off.

But "TRANSPARENCY" command work only within AutoCAD!!!

Solution for AutoCAD LT users:

The default transparency setting can be toggled on or off for a new raster image(s) opened by CADRaster. By default it is toggled off. This feature is controlled by DefaultTransparency key in CADRaster's INI file:



binary value; if enabled, forces raster image palette usage when displaying the image. If disabled, AutoCAD’s 256 colors palette is used;


defines number of associations to remember in [File Associations] section;


binary value; this parameter enables or disables the safe handling mode of AutoCAD's SDI windows (use it if you open more drawing at the same time in AutoCAD and it hangs):

0 - default value, disables MdiSafeMode;

1 - turns MdiSafeMode on;


binary value; if enabled, performs raster and vector colors merging on the printout that results in vectors transparency;


binary value; enables automatic opening of foreground drawing by AutoCAD Tessel Composite Document is loaded;


This CADRaster option is used in RCreate and RInsert commands. When it is turned on then it scales lineweights in proportion to the raster scale. Lineweights normally specify the linewidth of plotted objects and are plotted with the linewidth size regardless of the plot scale. By default it is toggled off. This feature is controlled by PlotWithLineweights key in CADRaster's INI file:


After rCreate or rInsert command, CADRaster write to INI file name of printer device used during last rasterization. This name can be later copied to RasterizePrinterName key to disable efect of adding paper named "RasterizePortrait" to other printer devices.


binary value; this parameter enables or disables the Single Image Mode:

0 - single image is handled as a TCD subdocument;

1 - single image is handled without storing it in a TCD file;


binary value; if enabled autoloading and initialization will be postponed until the first CADRaster's command typed at AutoCAD's command prompt. The option was added to improve CADRaster integration with other applications.


binary value; CADRaster by default adds command line option '/c config_directory' when starting AutoCAD . If your application cannot pass this options to AutoCAD, enable the option;


binary value; if enabled, after opening a vector drawing an associated TCD file will be opened as well;

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