This section of HDocASP.ini is used only by HyperDoc Online. Please note, that the syntax of this section is compatible with the syntax of JavaScript.


When set to true a first document from the document list is shown automatically when current object is changed in the hierarchy pane. When set to false the user must click the document on the list to view document content - this mode is useful for slow connections when displaying document content when not necessary may take significant time. Default = true


is responsible for number of bits per pixel in a created bitmap when using Print to PDF or Print to File(PNG or JPG output format) option from Print panel in HIS.

Possible values are only 8 and 24.

bit_depth = 8; - means that the palette bitmap is created (PNG) bit_depth = 24; – true color bitmap is created (JPG)

Default value is 8.


Defines background color of all HyperDoc Online windows, format "rrggbb". Default = "#F1F7FF"

See the Color codes table in the section called “TSL Color Codes” for all colors in RGB and BGR format.


Defines background color of active (selected) buttons, format "rrggbb". Default = "#C5A217"


Defines background color of inactive (not-selected) buttons, format "rrggbb". Default = "#C5D1DF"


Defines color fill of selected spot in HIS, format "rrggbb". Default = "#C0C0C0" (grey).

Also possible values are:

  • "transparent",

  • "" - empty. Value will be taken from relevant Stamps.TVD.


color_current = "#dfff7f"

Defines color of title text in document table, format "rrggbb". Default = "#506682"


Defines background color for the document list title. Default = "#CDE3FF"


Defines color of frame border, format "rrggbb". Default = "#c2d9f0"


Defines color of highlighted spots, format "rrggbb". Default = "#C0C0C0"


Defines background color of the print pane in the document view pane, format "rrggbb". Default = "#DDECFF"


Defines background color of the selected item - in the hierarchy or in various lists like document list, found items list. Default = "#EFD779"


Defines background color of the odd lines in tables (usually slightly darker than default background to make tables easier to read). Default = "#DDECFF"


Defines background color for table titles. Default = "#506682"


Defines text color for table titles. Default = "#FFFFFF"


Defines text color of active (selected) buttons, format "rrggbb". Default = "#FFFFFF"


Defines text color of inactive (not-selected) buttons, format "rrggbb". Default = "#000000"


Defines background color of the zoom pane in the document view pane, format "rrggbb". Default = "#CDE3FF"


Defines how will Copy View option will work. Possible values are:

  • 1 - copy directly to clipboard,

  • 2 - copy to new window,

  • 3 - copy both to clipboard and to new window.


One of the parameter needed to enable functionality: customized profiles for menu bars.

For description of this functionality, please see the section called “Customized profiles for menu bars”.


One of the parameter needed to enable functionality: customized profiles for menu bars.

For description of this functionality, please see the section called “Customized profiles for menu bars”.


One of the parameter needed to enable functionality: customized profiles for menu bars.

For description of this functionality, please see the section called “Customized profiles for menu bars”.


Defines if HIS should zoom around spot after clicking in object in infoscope. Default = true


Dynamic/static legend, (true/false). Default = false


Environment flags (used to code HIS working in embedded window = 1). Default = 0


This parameter tells how much values are to be displayed in the Filter Values list. Parameter for FilterCreator HIS addin. Default = 100


Defines your own color palettes for fills in Measurement mode.

Default and example:


For more information see HyperDoc Online manual, the section called “Color palette configuration in Measurement mode”.


Select between true or false to set if foreign documents should open automatically.


Select between true or false to set if foreign documents should open in external window.


Allows to define general scale used in HyperDoc Online for printed documents.

This parameter is only used when standard_scales parameter cannot be used with displayed image.

Sample entry looks like:


Default values are: "1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0".

For more info see the section called “Customizable "standard scales" with INI parameters in Hyper Doc Online” in HyperDoc Online manual.


Allows to define general scales used in HOPA calls (GetPrint4Doc, GetPrint4Object, GetPreview4Object and Ex calls) for printed documents.

This parameter is only used when standard_scales parameter cannot be used with displayed image.

Sample entry looks like:


Default values are: "1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0".

For more info see Chapter 4, API in HOPA manual and search for GenScales parameter.


Defines browser attributes for the help window. Default = "status,toolbar,menubar,location,resizable,scrollbars"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in document infoscope. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in document edit pane. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in document list pane. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html#Doc-list-pane"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in document view pane. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html#ViewPane"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in hierarchy pane. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html#Hierarchy-pane"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in object edit pane. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html"


Defines URL used when the user clicks on the Help button or menu option in object infoscope. This can be a relative URL or an absolute URL. The base for relative URL is the ASPPages directory. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html"


Defines URL used when the user for the first time selects advanced print mode (with special binary component) in Internet Explorer 5.5. Default = "Manual/HIS-Manual.html#PrintAdv"


Defines the initial size of the help window. Default = "height=400,width=600"


Indicated, whether hiding empty document tabs is enabled. Default = true


indicates whether Advanced print mode is enabled (IE only) in Printing option menu of Print Preview panel.

On Internet Explorer if advanced print is enabled and simple print is disabled, simple print is automatically enabled.

Integer value range is 0-1. Default is 1 (On).

HIS_print_advanced = 0;

indicates whether Simple print mode is enabled in Printing option menu of Print Preview panel.

Integer value range is 0-1. Default is 1 (On).

HIS_print_simple = 0;

indicates whether Print to file mode is enabled in Printing option menu of Print Preview panel.

Integer value range is 0-1. Default is 1 (On).

HIS_print_to_file = 0;

indicates whether Printing to PDF mode is enabled in Printing option menu of Print Preview panel.

Integer value range is 0-1. Default is 1 (On).

HIS_print_to_pdf = 0;

Enables login to HIS via new page HISAutoLogin.asp.

This page does not require authentication. IP Restriction is recommended.

Value of 1 enables this feature but it requires user name and password for anonymous access.

See the section called “[HIS Restricted Access User] section”.


Defines width of left and right panes of the main HyperDoc Online window. Default = "3*,10*"


Path to user javascript with functions, wich could be used on HIS client start or in custom commands. Path should be in format javascripts2Include="MyAddInFolder/MyAddIn.js"; instead of javascripts2Include="";


Legend with areas/without areas, (true/false). Default = true


Legend with quantities/without quantities (true/false). Default = false


Defines your own color palettes for lines in Measurement mode.

Default and example:


For more information see HyperDoc Online manual, the section called “Color palette configuration in Measurement mode”.


Contains select and highlight tolerance for 'segment' and 'polyline' spot.

Tolerance is presented in percents of image size.

'1.0' is 100%, '0.01' is 1% etc. It is advised to input values around '0.005' (0.5%) - default value.

line_hit_sensitivity = 0.003;

Defines whether function Copy Link To Spot is enabled or not. Functionality is enbled when 'LinkToSpot_enabled = "true"'. 'LinkToSpot_enabled' is set to 'false' by default.


Here you can define which HOPA .asp file you want to evoke while using Copy Link To Spot functionality in HIS.


Units of measurement drawing. Default = "7"


Number of decimal digits, (0-10). Default = "2"


Abandoned parameter.

Value given in this parameter is not used by HyperDoc Online any more. It's ignored and value is taken from HDocParam table in HDoc Database - see parameter DecimalDigits in the section called “Parameters from HDocParams table”.


Decimal digits in angles, (0-10). Default = "2"


Abandoned parameter.

Value given in this parameter is not used by HyperDoc Online any more. It's ignored and value is taken from HDocParam table in HDoc Database - see parameter DecimalDigitsAngle in the section called “Parameters from HDocParams table”.


Decimal digits in areas, (0-10). Default = "2"


Abandoned parameter.

Value given in this parameter is not used by HyperDoc Online any more. It's ignored and value is taken from HDocParam table in HDoc Database - see parameter DecimalDigitsArea in the section called “Parameters from HDocParams table”.


Decimal digits in coordinates and lengths, (0-10). Default = "2"


Abandoned parameter.

Value given in this parameter is not used by HyperDoc Online any more. It's ignored and value is taken from HDocParam table in HDoc Database - see parameter DecimalDigitsLine in the section called “Parameters from HDocParams table”.


Defines if HIS should zoom around spot after clicking in object in infoscope. Default = true


Object InfoScope can be automatically opened, when object set is loaded as a result of making current an object with object set connected to it. Possible values:

  • O - do not open IS automatically

  • 1 - open IS automatically

  • 2 - do not open IS automatically and DO NOT select first object from object set

  • 3 - open IS automatically and DO NOT select first object from object set

Default = 0


When set to true an object set connected to the current object is loaded automatically (if any) when current object is changed in the hierarchy pane. When set to false the user must use Object Set / Open Attached command from the hierarchy pane menu to load object set. Default = true


Defines if users are able to change password. Default = "enabled"


Indicated, whether Quick Search is enabled. Default = 0.

For more info on Quick Search please refer to the section called “Quick Search in HyperDoc Online” of HyperDoc Online manual.


Hierarchy name used for search.


Value is hierarchy name used for search.

This parameter can be added if you want to use Quick Search in more than one hierarchy. If there is only one hierarchy it's not needed.

N should be replaced with a number in range from 1 to 10. It's a number that needs to be same as in QSearch_TargetN for corresponding hierarchy.


Defines the way that search results are displayed. Option 1: found object label is used (it does not correspond to searched string). Option 2: searched filed value is used – searched string was found in that field. Default = 1


Indicates matching mode. Possible values:

  • 0 – BOP_EQ (equals)

  • 2 - BOP_LIKE


  • 5 - BOP_CONTAINS (default value)


Minimal number of characters that triggers search. Possible values are numbers between 2 and 5. Default = 3.


Indicates the maximum number of results displayed per object class. For example - if two object classes are specified result can have up to 100 hits. Possible values are between 2 and 50. Default = 5.


Object classes and fields used for search. Any reasonable number of object classes and fields can be specified using this formatting. Between multiple fields for given object class OR logical operation is used.

Sample: “ObjectClass:field1,field2;ObjectClass2:field1”


Object classes and fields used for search. Any reasonable number of object classes and fields can be specified using this formatting. Between multiple fields for given object class OR logical operation is used.

This parameter can be added if you want to use Quick Search in more than one hierarchy. If there is only one hierarchy it's not needed.

Sample: “ObjectClass:field1,field2;ObjectClass2:field1”

N should be replaced with a number in range from 1 to 10. It's a number that needs to be same as in QSearch_HierarchyN for corresponding hierarchy.

For more info on Quick Search please refer to the section called “Quick Search in HyperDoc Online” of HyperDoc Online manual.


Sets printing mode when printing via Print (QuickPrint) button. Possible values: Simple (default value), Advanced, PrintToFile and PrintToPdf


Sets printout orientation when printing via Print (QuickPrint) button. Possible values:

  • P – portrait orientation (default value)

  • L - landscape orientation


Sets printout orientation when printing to PDF via Print To PDF (QuickPrintToPDF) button. Possible values:

  • P – portrait orientation (default value)

  • L - landscape orientation


Sets print resolution in dpi when printing via Print (QuickPrint) button. Possible values: 150, 300, 400, 600 (default value).


Sets print resolution in dpi when printing to PDF via Print To PDF (QuickPrintToPDF) button. Possible values: 150, 300, 400 (default value), 600.


Sets printout scale for printing via QuickPrintButton when QuickPrintScalingMode is set to SV or MV.


Sets printout scale for printing via QuickPrintButton when QuickPrintScalingModePDF is set to SV or MV.


Sets scaling mode for printouts when printing via Print (QuickPrint) button. Possible values:

  • FD - fit drawing (default value)

  • MD - match drawing

  • SV - scale view

  • MD - match view


Scale View and Match View modes require defining specific scale in QuickPrintScale parameter.


Sets scaling mode for printouts when printing to PDF via Print To PDF (QuickPrintToPDF) button. Possible values:

  • FD - fit drawing (default value)

  • MD - match drawing

  • SV - scale view

  • MD - match view


Scale View and Match View modes require defining specific scale in QuickPrintScalePDF parameter.


Print template name for use when printing via Print (QuickPrint) button. Print Template should be chosen from available print templates in folder defined in TemplateDirectory parameter.

If QuickPrintTemplate is not present or it's value is empty, blank template will be used instead.


QuickPrintTemplate = "A4_template";

This parameter is not case sensitive.


Print template name for use in printouts to PDF when printing via Print To PDF (QuickPrintToPDF) button. Print Template should be chosen from available print templates in folder defined in TemplateDirectory parameter.

If QuickPrintTemplatePDF is not present or it's value is empty, blank template will be used instead.


QuickPrintTemplatePdf = "A4_template";

This parameter is not case sensitive.


This parameter has meaning only for installations with special 'Read/Write' license. Setting to true forces to HyperDoc Online to operate in 'Read Only' mode overriding license mode. Default = true


Defines whether the root node should automatically expand. Default = false


When root object has document connected, with this option set to true the document will be automatically presented in Document View pane. Default = false


When set to true more detailed error descriptions are shown. Default = true


Show subsegments length when generating measurement labels (true/false). Default = false


Defines width of line on selected or highlighted spot - only applicable for 'polyline', 'segment' and 'circarc' spots.

Width is presented in percents of image size. '1.0' is 100%, '0.01' is 1% etc. It is advised to input values around '0.005' (0.5%) - default value.


Allows to define scale used in HyperDoc Online for printed documents.

Sample entry looks like:


For values values smaller or greater than edge values on the list, general scales rules will be used.

Default values are: "1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,400,500,800,1000".

For more info see the section called “Customizable "standard scales" with INI parameters in Hyper Doc Online” in HyperDoc Online manual.


Allows to define scales used in HOPA calls (GetPrint4Doc, GetPrint4Object, GetPreview4Object and Ex calls) for printed documents.

Sample entry looks like:


For values values smaller or greater than edge values on the list, general scales rules will be used.

Default values are: "50,100,200,400,500".

For more info see Chapter 4, API in HOPA manual and search for StdScales parameter.


Param allows to transfer of measurements to own redlining layers only. Default = false


Choose document list layout. Possible values:

  • 0 - free layout - fields in Document List fit to their contents - no line wrapping occurs

  • 1 - fixed width - text that does not fit is clipped (according width in HyperDoc configuration - if available)

  • 2 - fixed width, but multiline - whole text is visible (according width in HyperDoc configuration - if available)

  • 3 - free layout, but multiline - whole text is visible; browser actively adjust column widths, wrapping lines when needed

Default = 0


Defines whether HIS fills spots connected to current ObjectSet. It uses tool ObjSetMember. Default = false


Makes the sub-tree mode (enables partial loading of sub-trees from whole tree on demand) effective in given HyperDoc Online application.



Default is set to false

The sub-tree mode was licensed by phrase SUBTREE=1; existing in FEATURE HDocWeb line in license.dat file.

In XML licences (used from HDoc 4.95), phrase SUBTREE=1; is value of attribute vendor that is a part of element License version for product HDocWeb.

Using this parameter will make use HIS always use this mode. But you can use HISautologin.asp calls to enable subtree, only in chosen situations. See the section called “Login modes” for more information.


Defines height of top and bottom panes on infoscope window. Default = "12*,4*"


Defines height of hierarchy and object properties panes. Default = "12*,3*"


Defines height of document list and document view panes. Default = "4*,10*"


Enable writing (transferring) measurement drawing to redlining layer. Default = false


Allows to define default value for HOPA SpotMarginPercent parameter when it's not used in HOPA call url. If not set here or in HDocParams table value 1.1 (110%) will be used as described in HOPA Manual.

Sample entry looks like:


where 1.5=150% of zoom around spot and 0.6=60%.

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