Typically HyperDoc clients use HyperDoc to manage theirs documents repositories. Some of them use HyperDoc Online to browse documents in the repository in read-only mode. Mostly HyperDoc and HyperDoc Online are used in Local Area Network. It is possible to make a server with HyperDoc Online available in the Internet. If HyperDoc Online is accessible from the Internet then you can use HOPA while implementing the web application. If you don’t want to get your web application access to all documents stored in your repository you can use separate HO installation outside your LAN where only required documents are replicated. HyperDoc Replication Add-In allows you incrementally replicate document subset to the remote database handled by HyperDoc Online.

The following picture shows this type of integration implemented in ÖrebroBostäder / Momentum project:

ÖrebroBostäder uses HyperDoc and HyperDoc Online in their LAN environment. Additionally they have WEB application (HUSAR) hosted on the external Internet server. Due to security of document repository ÖrebroBostäder decided to use second HyperDoc Online installation working as Publishing Agent. HyperDoc Online Publishing Agent is installed on the same server as HUSAR application. It uses database which configuration reflects original HyperDoc database configuration. It is possible to narrow visible fields for all objects and document stored in this remote database. ÖrebroBostäder Marketing Clerk uses HyperDoc Replication Add-In to incrementally update objects and documents available on the remote database. The WEB application, HUSAR, has been modified. When HUSAR prepares HTML page about a particular flat it requests graphical data from HyperDoc Online Publishing Agent.

The integration procedure consists of the following steps:

loading table of contents...