Geographical Mapping Systemsoption are available from context menu after clicking Right Mouse button while holding left Ctrl key while using CADRaster.

While in HyperDoc it can be open from Drawing menu.

Select Geographical Mapping and then Select... to open Geographical Mapping dialog box where you can select mapping.

The Gauss-Krüger projection system is a conformal, cylindrical, transverse Mercator projection of the earth's ellipsoid surface made on the plane in such a way, that the center meridian is transformed without distortions and the symmetry against the meridian is also preserved.

Generally, the transformation of the whole surface of the earth's ellipsoid (or a large part of it) results in the high level of distortions. To make it acceptable, the ellipsoid is divided to meridional strips, each 3 or 6 degree wide. Then subsequently, the strips are projected on the cylindrical surface, which is tangent to the ellipsoid along the central meridian of each strip. To balance the error level along distance from the central meridian the scale factor is introduced. The scale factor 1.0 means that there is no error on the center meridian points and a maximal error is on the both edges of the strip. A smaller then one (1.0) scale factor balances the error for the central meridian points with the error on the strip edges.

After the projection, the central meridian of strip and the equator are perpendicular. This is the reason to base on them the local strip's coordinate system, with axes traditionally marked as X for north direction and Y for east direction. Additional offset in the X-Y coordinate system allows avoiding negative coordinates values to the left from central meridian and below the equator.

The maximal distortion in a 3-degree strip is 17 cm/km and in a 6-degree strip – 70 cm/km. It is much less then the printed map's accuracy, which is about 0.2 mm.

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