To select HyperDoc database to be used by HyperDoc Online open HDocASP.ini file located in Program subdirectory of the installation directory. Enter information in [Database Settings], [Access Settings], [Options], [ODBC Settings] sections as appropriate for your installation. These setting are analogous to respective settings in HDoc.ini file in standard HyperDoc product. Please refer to HyperDoc manual for further details.

IMPORTANT: Please note that HDocASP.ini file contains confidential information like user name and password used to access databases. So it is of utmost importance to remove read permissions to this file. It can be performed using Internet Service Manager after completing configuration.

User name and password in the [Access Settings] or [ODBC Settings] section must always be supplied, since HIS uses them to connect to the database and they determine database rights of all HyperDoc Online users. Their application access rights can be determined in one of two other ways. HyperDoc Online either works in anonymous mode (user defined in the [anonymous user] section determines application rights for all users) or uses credentials supplied via the Web browser for each user separately.

When using SQL Server databases appropriate system data source must be defined and its name entered in HDocASP.ini file.

Example settings for Microsoft Access database.

[Database Settings]

[Access Settings]
MainDatabase=C:\Program Files\Tessel Software Line\HyperDoc\DemoDB\NetMan.mdb

SystemDB=C:\Program Files\Tessel Software Line\HyperDoc\DemoDB\System.mda

Example settings for Microsoft SQL Server database.

[Database Settings]

[ODBC Settings]
MainDatabase=DRIVER={SQL Server}; PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB; Database=database_name; SERVER=server_name

HyperDoc Online supports running multiple HyperDoc databases on the same server. This can be achieved thanks to HyperDoc Online feature of reading HDocASP.ini from Config subdirectory of ASPPages, if one exists. You must perform the following steps to enable more than one database.

Alternatively you can use obsolete method of cloning whole ASPPages directory.

To enable IIS 6 Management Compatibility please perform following steps:

To enable ASP on Windows Server 2003:

To enable ASP on Windows Server 2008:

To use HyperDoc Online you must configure the Internet Information Server.

  1. Start Internet Service Manager (located in Programs/Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack/Microsoft Internet Information Server folder).

  2. Select the web site you want to use (usually this is Internet Information Server/*your-host/Default Web Site).

  3. Right-click on it and select New/Virtual directory. The New Virtual Directory Wizard should show on the screen.

  4. Enter the name for Alias to be used to access virtual directory (e.g. HyperDoc Online) and press the Next button.

  5. Enter path with content - this should be full path to ASPPages subdirectory of HyperDoc Online installation directory - and press the Next button.

  6. Set required access rights to Read and Script and press the Finish button.

  7. Right-click on the new virtual directory, select Properties, check the Run in separate memory space box and press Apply button.

  8. Switch to the Documents tab, make sure that Enable Default Document box is checked and add either hismain.html or hislogin.asp as the default document - depending on the desired login mode (see the section called “Login modes” for more information).

  9. Switch to Directory Security tab and press Edit button in Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.

  10. In Authentication Methods dialog make sure that Anonymous Access is checked, Integrated Windows authentication and Basic authentication are unchecked and press Edit button for Account used for Anonymous Access.

  11. In Anonymous User Account dialog:

    1. select appropriate user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account,

    2. make sure that Enable Automatic Password Synchronization is not checked,

    3. make sure that the password for this user is entered correctly.

    This user password should not be changed or each password change should be appropriately reflected in IIS configuration.

  12. Press OK button.

  13. Verify that the user specified in previous step has access to the HyperDoc Online installation directory.

  1. Start Internet Services Manager (located in Programs/Administrative Tools folder).

  2. Select the web site you want to use (usually this is Internet Information Services/*your-host/Default Web Site).

  3. Right-click on it and select New/Virtual directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard should show on the screen.

  4. Enter the name for Alias to be used to access virtual directory (e.g. HyperDoc Online) and press the Next button.

  5. Enter path with content - this should be full path to ASPPages subdirectory of HyperDoc Online installation directory - and press the Next button.

  6. Set required access rights to Read and Run scripts and press the Next button.

  7. Press the Finish button.

  8. Right-click on the new virtual directory, select Properties, choose High (isolated) item from Application Protection combo box and press Apply button.

  9. Switch to the Documents tab, make sure that Enable Default Document box is checked and add either hismain.html or hislogin.asp as the default document - depending on the desired login mode (see the section called “Login modes” for more information). NOTE: Added item should be first on list.

  10. Switch to Directory Security tab and press Edit button in Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.

  11. In Authentication Methods dialog make sure that Anonymous Access is checked, Integrated Windows authentication and Basic authentication is unchecked and press Edit button for Account used for Anonymous Access.

  12. In Anonymous User Account dialog:

    1. select appropriate user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account,

    2. make sure that Allow IIS to control password is not checked,

    3. make sure that the password for this user is entered correctly.

    This user password should not be changed or each password change should be appropriately reflected in IIS configuration.

  13. Press OK button.

  14. Verify that the user specified in previous step has access to the HyperDoc Online installation directory.

  1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (located in Programs/Administrative Tools folder).

  2. Select Web Service Extensions branch and allow Active Server Pages).

  3. Select Application Pools branch (Internet Information Services/*your-host/Application Pools).

  4. Right-click on it and select New/Application pool.... The Add New Application Pool dialog box should show on the screen.

  5. Enter the name for Application pool ID (e.g. HyperDoc Online) and press the OK button.

  6. Right-click on the new application pool, select Properties, choose Identity tab, select Configurable Application pool identity select appropriate user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account

  7. Select the web site you want to use (usually this is Internet Information Services/*your-host/Web Sites/Default Web Site).

  8. Right-click on it and select New/Virtual directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard should show on the screen.

  9. Enter the name for Alias to be used to access virtual directory (e.g. HyperDoc Online) and press the Next button.

  10. Enter path with content - this should be full path to ASPPages subdirectory of HyperDoc Online installation directory - and press the Next button.

  11. Set required access rights to Read and Run scripts and press the Next button.

  12. Press the Finish button.

  13. Right-click on the new virtual directory, select Properties, choose Application Pool created previously in Application pool combo box and press Apply button.

  14. Switch to the Documents tab, make sure that Enable Default Document box is checked and add either hismain.html or hislogin.asp as the default document - depending on the desired login mode (see the section called “Login modes” for more information). NOTE: Added item should be first on list.

  15. Switch to Directory Security tab and press Edit button in Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.

  16. In Authentication Methods dialog make sure that Anonymous Access is checked, Integrated Windows authentication and Basic authentication is unchecked and press Edit button for Account used for Anonymous Access.

  17. In Anonymous User Account dialog:

    1. select appropriate user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account (it should be the same user account as used as Application Poll identity),

    2. make sure that Allow IIS to control password is not checked,

    3. make sure that the password for this user is entered correctly.

    This user password should not be changed or each password change should be appropriately reflected in IIS configuration.

  18. Press OK button.

  19. Verify that the user specified in previous step has access to the HyperDoc Online installation directory.

  20. Right-click on new application in Internet Information Services/*your-host/Web Sites/Default Web Site/your_application) and select New/Virtual directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard should show on the screen.

  21. Enter config as a name for Alias to be used to access virtual directory and press the Next button.

  22. Enter path to folder with HDocASP.ini file and press the Next button.

  23. Uncheck Read right and press the Next button.

  24. Press the Finish button.

  25. Right-click on new application once again and select New/Virtual directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard should show on the screen.

  26. Enter lang as a name for Alias to be used to access virtual directory and press the Next button.

  27. Enter path to folder with particular language in ASPPages folder of HyperDoc Online installation folder and press the Next button.

  28. On next page simply press the Next button.

  29. Press the Finish button.

  30. Using the same method create virtual directory called manual. it should point to manual subfolder of language folder selected in previous steps.

  1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (located in Programs/Administrative Tools folder).

  2. Make sure ASP is enabled.

  3. Select Application Pools (*your-host/Application Pools).

  4. Right-click on it and select Add Application pool....

  5. Enter the name for Application Pool (e.g. HyperDoc Online) select No Managed Code in .NET Framework version combo box. Click OK.

  6. Right-click on the new application pool, select Advanced Settings..., choose Identity and select appropriate user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account

  7. Please note that if the operating system is in 64-bit edition then to make HyperDoc Online working, application pool for given HIS site should be enabled to run 32-Bit applications. Setting Enable 32-Bit Applications can be set in Advanced Settings options panel for the application pool.

  8. Select *your-host/Sites and right-click on it and select Add Web Site.

  9. Enter the site name for your application (e.g. HyperDoc Online), select application pool defined in previous steps and define path with content - this should be full path to ASPPages subdirectory of HyperDoc Online installation directory. Click on Connect as... button to select user account - this user should be able to access HyperDoc database and document store - if the database or the document store reside on a separate computer this should be a domain account (it should be the same user account as used as Application Poll identity),

  10. Verify that the user specified in previous step has access to the HyperDoc Online installation directory.

  11. Right-click on new application in *your-host/Sites/your_application) and select Add Virtual directory.

  12. Enter config as Alias a name and enter path to folder with HDocASP.ini file and press the OK button.

  13. Right-click on new application in *your-host/Sites/your_application) and select Add Virtual directory.

  14. Enter lang as Alias and enter path to folder with particular language in ASPPages folder of HyperDoc Online installation folder and press the OK button.

  15. Right-click on new application in *your-host/Sites/your_application) and select Add Virtual directory.

  16. Using the same method create virtual directory called manual. it should point to manual subfolder of language folder selected in previous steps.

HyperDoc Online can now work in two login modes: anonymous and verified.

In anonymous mode users do not need to authenticate to use HyperDoc Online. There are two ways to use this mode:

  1. hismain.html

    To use this mode, make hismain.html page a default page for the IIS application and add section like the following one to HDocASP.ini.

    [anonymous user]

    This section defines a database user whose application rights will be given to all anonymous HyperDoc Online users. You cannot connect to HyperDoc Online using hismain.html without a valid [anonymous user] section.

  2. HISAutoLogin.asp.

    It could be used for start UI. It does not require authentication, but must be enabled and IP Restriction is recommended.

    To enable this page, set in INI file, in section [Configuration] parameter:


    When it is enabled, it requires user name and password for anonymous access. Add following section:

    [HIS Restricted Access User]

    Please remember, that this page give unauthorized access to HyperDoc Online, so you should use it with caution - enable IP Restriction.

    To open HIS using HISAutologin.asp type into browser:


    This will open HyperDoc Online with Find Object window that will allow you to search and go to desired Object.

    You can also use parameters of specific object or document and add them to url to open using HOPA parameters to open HIS already on this specific object:


    Using HISAutologin.asp gives you the possibility to open HIS in a Subtree mode (hierarchical tree is narrowed only to the desired object and it's parents up to the root).

    Example use of this parameter can be as following one:


    This will enable subtree mode as subtree=1 was used (subtree can be added after HierName too if needed). For now subtree value can only be "1".

    You can also use additional parameters in this mode:

    Parameters are:

Proprietary groups and users memberships can be managed from within HyperDoc Admin tool or using hisUsers.asp and newly added hisGroups.asp web pages.

Groups functionality in HyperDoc controlled via hisusers.asp and hisgroups.asp

HyperDoc has been extended with possibility of using proprietary groups with already implemented Proprietary User List mode.

MSSQL users and groups can be also managed using HyperDoc Admin tool and HIS sites described above. But in this case, there are some limitations.

Here are some of them: fixed database roles couldn't be deleted, public role and dbo user shouldn't be managed using above tools. User used by HyperDoc Internet Server needs to have enough rights for users and groups handling (please refer to Microsoft MSDN to check rights requirements).

To enable using of proprietary groups with proprietary users one has to use “Check and Create Extra Tables” option from HyperDoc Configuration Manager's File menu. Then they would be available after setting Proprietary User List mode in HyperDoc Admin from User list mode menu.

There are many possibilities to make web application to use Windows Authentication and cooperate with Active Directory and MS SQL Server. Here is a proposed configuration which could be set for HyperDoc Online.

  1. Follow needed actions from the section called “Configuring HyperDoc Client with Active Directory users and groups via Windows Authentication” related to Window's domain, domain groups and users, SQL server, logins and rights

  2. HIS application must work under Network Service account.

  3. Please make sure that following IIS option Execute in MTA is set to False.

  4. Network Service account must have access to INI file (check Security of INI file).

  5. Find out what is HDOC's Common Login (by using Database or HDOC Admin)

  6. In INI file in section [ODBC Settings] add username and password parameters using common login credentials.

  7. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

    In chosen Database do:

    • check and create user in master database

      USE [master]; GO;
      CREATE USER [CommonLogin] FOR LOGIN [CommonLogin]
    • add needed execute rights

      USE [master]; GO;
      grant execute on sys.xp_logininfo to [CommonLogin]
  8. On domain controller computer set web server's (IIS) computer account to be trusted for delegation in Active Directory: "Trust this computer for delegation".

  9. Make sure that there are proper Service Principal Names set in Active Directory domain for web server and database server computers (if they are separated – if not only one SPN should be checked).

    Please notice that SPNs should be registered for both servers (ISS server and Database server). If given service works on domain account then it should be registered for this specified account, if not it should be registered for computer account. Additionally SPNs should correspond for names used to access servers (specified in browser url when accessing HIS application, or in HdocAsp.ini where we specify database server name).

  10. Add HIS url to Local Intranet or Trusted sites zone in Internet Explorer settings used by client.

    IE should also have Enable Integrated Windows Authentication option enabled (Internet Options/Advanced/Security).


If you use domain groups in your configuration, they will be also visible in hisgroups.asp page of HIS site. But as they are only users for SQL, you cannot add members to them from this page. This can only be done in domain controller.

Problems with configuring Integrated Windows Authentication for web application, especially when we need to consider "double hop" issue is a really broad topic. Many things could be configured wrong. There are also some limitations for usage scenarios.

For diagnosing problems with Windows Authentication we strongly suggest usage of DelegConfig application. It can be downloaded from here.

It is widely used by IT community. The main thing is to install this test application just alongside HyperDoc Online – on same IIS server and with application pool working on behalf of the same user as for HIS. Then you could use it's reporting and testing capabilities. Please refer to download package with this application for additional instructions on its installation.

We strongly recommend using the section called “Automatic application configuration” with Create HIS Application program. Manual procedure is much more error prone.

When starting HIS client on Windows Vista you can get a message:

Cannot access applet testing Java version.
The HyperDoc Online must be viewed with Java 1.1.4 from Microsoft Corp. or Java 1.4.2 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
To install Java on your computer, please visit the Java Web site to download Java Virtual Machine.

Or similar saying that there is no Java installed.

Installing Java in IE7/XP solves the problem.

Unfortunately it does not help for IE7/Vista. Java installation online within IE7 (from here) apparently succeeds and gets confirmed by this, that announces:

Verifying Java Version
You have the recommended Java installed (Version 6 Update 13).

However, IE7 on Windows Vista may work different:

  • In Tools/Manage Add-ons it reports Java add-on as installed and enabled (sometimes many times)

  • In Tools/Internet Options/Advanced Java is not shown, although Vista help says it should

  • Interestingly, if you completely uninstall Java, IE7 will show it in the Advanced Settings but I dont expect it working.

This work all Java-dependent sites inaccessible for IE7/Vista users.

To fix it please perform following steps:

  • Uninstall Java and remove all traces of it

  • Reboot and check results of Java uninstallation until positively there is no sign left, not in Windows, not in IE.

  • Start IE and try to open HIS client (i.e. here).

  • Admit that you don't have Java and follow link to install it.

  • It will redirect you to java site where you must click the Free Java Download and say: I was sent from MS.

  • This time it will work and you may enjoy HyperDoc Online.

The list configuration file sections, used by HyperDoc Online are listed below, followed by link to appropriate place in Configuration File guide:


Please note that HyperDoc Online is part of HyperDoc program so it inherit many settings/parameters from it. But those two section influnce only HyperDoc Online.

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