The HyperView Window is used to display Documents Files (also referred to as background documents) collected and maintained by HyperDoc. You can display several Documents Files simultaneously in several HyperView Windows. The HyperView Window supports displaying scanned images, vector drawings and MS Office documents. The HyperView Window adds two additional vector drawings that are automatically placed on top of the background documents. These drawings are referred to as foreground drawings. The first vector drawing called ObjectOverlay supports Hyper Navigation. It contains vector entities (called spots) that facilitate navigating between documents in an easy way. All versions of the Document File share single ObjectOverlay drawing. The second vector drawing called Redlining supports graphical comments to the Document File. HyperDoc creates separate Redlining drawings for each version of the Document File. Foreground drawings are not supported together with MS Office documents displayed in the HyperView Window. HyperView Window commands, which edit foreground drawings, apply to the current foreground drawing. You can set current foreground drawing using pop-up menu activated by right mouse click. HyperDoc maintains some other vector drawings separately for dedicated purposes, like symbol libraries and printing templates.

HyperView Window is based on Tessel Systems composite document viewer. It allows collecting an arbitrary number of raster documents, and, optionally, vector drawings as well, into one composite document. Individual drawings, subdocuments in the composite document, can be selected for changing their attributes, their position in the common world coordinates and their visible areas (viewports).

Most of HyperView Window concepts concerning documents maintained in HyperDoc's native file formats are common to the whole family of Tessel Systems products.

It means that you can work with such documents in all Tessel Systems applications using the same common tools, actions and procedures while viewing, zooming and printing them. You can inspect – and edit when appropriate – properties of these documents and properties of individual vector entities in vector drawings, using the same common format of tabbed dialogs. You can define, modify and work with vector entities using the same or very similar user interface elements – pop-up menu items, toolbars’ buttons, mouse and keyboard actions – that you are familiar with after sample sessions performed in other Tessel Systems applications.

Since Tessel SystemsSuperEdit is a primary editor for raster and vector drawings as well as for composite documents, you are referred to SuperEdit User Manual for detailed description regarding these common concepts in general as well as concerned with most of specific commands, tools and actions in detail. Description of common utilities and modules – like Template Editor and Geographical Mappings – see the section called “Geographical Mapping Systems”. Only those concepts and actions that are specific to the HyperDoc’s environment will be described in this manual.

There are some general differences in naming conventions between HyperDoc and SuperEdit. The term “HyperView Window” in HyperDoc is analogous to “Drawing Window” in SuperEdit. Most of the buttons from various HyperViewer toolbars can be found on the SuperEdit’s Vector Toolbar. Other differences will be explained in due course.

The HyperView Window can display single scanned images or vector drawings as well as composite documents that refer to document files saved in various raster and vector formats. Other documents, e.g. plain text files or text documents, spreadsheets and other may be displayed on demand by appropriate application.

To facilitate efficient work with background drawings and enhance system capabilities, the HyperView Window adds additional vector drawings that are automatically placed on top of the background documents and maintained separately for dedicated purposes. These drawings are referred to as foreground drawings. HyperDoc creates two active drawings that are overlaid with every document: Redlining Drawing and ObjectOverlay Drawing.

You are referred to the SuperEdit’s User Manual for general concepts concerned with vector drawings and detailed description of vector entities as well as vector editing actions. HyperDoc-specific features regarding vector drawings are described in this chapter.

Dynamic texts are implemented using macros stored in text entity. Some macros apply to entities linked to Business Objects. You can use macros defined by HyperDoc for object class or directly define it in the text entity.

When you declare the text entity as dynamic it means that you define a macro name instead of the text content. The actual value of the text is resolved during displaying the text entity according to the actual values supplied by the external database through dynamical links.

On the Text page of the Text Properties dialog, you may activate the Dynamic Text check box. This enables the Macro Name combo box, disabling the Content edit box in the same time. You may choose the macro from the list of names supplied by the external database or type in your own one. The resolved value of text content is displayed in the Content edit box, if supplied externally; otherwise, the literal name of the macro is used.

On the Object page of the Text Properties dialog, the Object Notification group of checkboxes displays the state of active object notifications that are supported by the entity. These notifications are used for maintaining such features like dynamically resolved texts and are displayed for informational purposes only.

HyperDoc supports macro definitions for each business object class. A macro definition is an SQL SELECT statement that should return at least one column. When HyperDoc needs to display a text, it finds the first object linked to the spot and replaces any '%1' in the macro expansion text with actual key value for the linked object. Then it executes the SELECT statement. The first column of the first row of the query result is used as the actual text to be displayed.

Add configuration table HDocDynamicTextMacros containing macro definitions for appropriate object classes.





Building name

SELECT Buildings.Building_Name FROM Buildings, Floors WHERE Buildings.Building_ID = Floors.Building_ID AND Floors.Floor_ID = '%1'


Floor description

SELECT Floor_Description FROM Floors WHERE Floor_ID = '%1'


Floor number

SELECT Floor_Name FROM Floors WHERE Floor_ID = '%1'


Room description

SELECT Room_Description FROM Rooms WHERE Room_ID = '%1'


Room name

SELECT '* ' + Room_Name + ' *' AS RName FROM Rooms WHERE Room_ID = '%1'

Define name of HDocDynamicTextMacros table in HDocConfiguration table.





Using the Tools/Options/Text Macros... command, you may define new macros and declare database queries implementing their expansion.

Some entities have tools predefined in a way that makes it easier to perform redlining. They are called redlining entities. The mouse interface and layout of property pages remains the same as in other similar entities.

Annotation is a complex entity consisting of a text and an arrow. To draw an annotation, click the Annotation button in the Overlay toolbar. Enter the text content and then define text position with first click and endpoint of an arrow with second click. The text size is automatically pre-set to a default value. The text alignment settings and the border type are predefined but can be changed. From the Components page of the Annotation Properties dialog you have access to the properties of the text and arrow entities separately.

Border is defined as a rectangle with tools predefined in the following way: red, solid pen with thickness equal 0 and null brush with transparent mode off. To draw a border, click the Border button in the Overlay toolbar.

Rectangle Highlight is defined as a rectangle with tools predefined in the following way: null pen and yellow, solid brush with transparent mode on. To draw a rectangle highlight, click the Rectangle Highlight button in the Overlay toolbar.

Polygon Highlight is defined as a polygon with tools predefined in the following way: null pen and yellow, solid brush with transparent mode on. To draw a polygon highlight, click the Polygon Highlight button in the Overlay toolbar.

Rectangle Mask is defined as a rectangle with tools predefined in the following way: red, dot pen and white, solid brush with transparent mode off. To draw a rectangle mask, click the Rectangle Mask button in the Overlay toolbar.

Polygon Mask is defined as a polygon with tools predefined in the following way: red, dot pen and white, solid brush with transparent mode off. To draw a polygon mask, click the Polygon Mask button in the Overlay toolbar.

Stamp is a text entity with predefined values of content, style and tools, or icon entity with predefined source icon filename. Both types of stamps have a predefined object name. Stamps can be taken from a separate drawing (default file name STAMPS.TVD) that is serves as a symbol library.

To add a text stamp click the Text Stamp button in the Overlay toolbar. The shape of the drawing cursor changes. It becomes the same as in the Text command and it is accompanied with a border of the last used text stamp (that is called the current stamp). Drag it to the place you want.

Click right mouse button to invoke a popup menu with the following items:

New - enters the Draw Text action that let you define a new stamp; the stamp is automatically added to the library;

Edit - enters the Properties dialog for the current text stamp;

Remove - removes the current text stamp from the library;

Up to three subsequent items consist of object names of three last used text stamps; you can click one that you want to use;

Select - enters the Choose entity dialog that contains list of all text stamps in the library and the Preview window that shows selected texts. Select a text and click the OK button to choose the selected text as current. Click Cancel to retain the current text without any changes.

Five subsequent items allow setting a scale of the current stamp based on the original stamp size in the library. Initially there is one item with the current scale set to 1:1.0, two items with shrinking scales set to 1: 2 and 1: 4 and two items with enlarging scales set to 2.0:1 and 4.0:1. If you choose a new current scale from the list, the scope of available scales is moved in the appropriate direction. The popup menu disappears and you can drag the current text border displayed in the new scale. You can use the right mouse click again to continue editing of the text stamp.

Like in many other HyperView Window pop-up menus, there are also three following items at the end:

Cancel - exits the current command;

Continue - resumes the current command;

Geographical mapping - allows selecting geographical mapping used by HyperDoc; see SuperEdit manual for details.

To save space these three items will not be mentioned in following command descriptions even though they appear in respective pop-up menus.

Use the left button click to place the current text stamp in the final position.

If there is no stamp library connected or there are no text entities in the library these operations act as Text command. Texts defined in this way are added to the library as stamps.

To add an icon stamp, click the Icon Stamp button in the Overlay toolbar. The shape of the drawing cursor changes. It becomes the same as in the Icon operation and it is accompanied with a border of the last used icon stamp (that is called the current stamp). Drag it to the place you want.

Click right mouse button to invoke a popup menu with the following items:

New - enters the Icon command action, which lets you define a new stamp; the stamp is automatically added to the library;

Edit - enters the Properties dialog for the current icon stamp;

Remove - removes the current icon stamp from library;

Up to three subsequent items consist of object names of three last used icon stamps; you can click one that you want to use;

Select - enters the Choose entity dialog that contains list of all icon stamps in the library and the Preview window that shows selected icons. Select a stamp and click the OK button to choose the selected stamp as current. Click Cancel to retain the current stamp without any changes.

Five subsequent items allow setting a scale of the current stamp based on the original stamp size in the library. Initially there is one item with the current scale set to 1:1.0, two items with shrinking scales set to 1: 2 and 1: 4 and two items with enlarging scales set to 2.0:1 and 4.0:1. If you choose a new current scale from the list, the scope of available scales is moved in the appropriate direction. The popup menu disappears and you can drag the current icon border displayed in new scale. You can use the right mouse click again to continue editing of the icon stamp.

Use the left click button to place the current icon stamp in the final position.

If there is no stamp library connected or there are no icon entities in the library these operations act as Icon command. Icons defined in this way are added to the library as stamps.

Symbol Library is a special TVD drawing that is neither accessed nor presented directly, but it is used as a library for maintaining various commonly used entities called stamps. You can define text or icon stamps, inserting them into the current vector drawing and storing in the same time implicitly into the Symbol Library drawing for future use. You may easily access and repeatedly insert recently used text or icon stamps into different vector drawings currently edited.

The other objects stored in the Symbol Library drawing are Tool Sets. These are sets of predefined drawing tools that you may use for various presentation purposes like in the Filtering/Edit Filter/Update command in the View pull-down menu; they dynamically override the individual tools in selective way in chosen entities so they can be easily distinguished from other entities. The way the currently selected set of entities is presented is an example of applying an appropriate tool set from the Symbol Library.

HyperDoc uses common text styles and hatch patterns defined in the Symbol Library. Styles and patterns stored in the Symbol Library will be transferred automatically while creating new foreground vector drawings in HyperDoc, so they will be available in new HyperDoc documents only. You can create new styles and patterns in the Symbol Library drawing using SuperEdit.

HyperDoc automatically loads vector drawing STAMPS.TVD as a symbol library (pointed to by LibVectDrwName parameter defined in the HDocParams table or from the Main Directory when this parameter is missing).

You can communicate with the HyperView Window through various elements of the user interface described below.

In standard HyperDoc installation there are six toolbars dedicated for working with HyperView Window. The toolbars are: HyperViewer View, HyperViewer Print, HyperViewer Edit, HyperViewer Drawing, Vector Snap and Multipage Support.

You may see a short description of each button by placing the mouse cursor over it. You may activate the toolbar buttons using the left mouse button click. Activating some buttons causes the HyperView Window to enter some special states that are indicated by showing those buttons pressed while the action is in progress.

Specific actions can be accessed through pop-up menu that is displayed after right mouse button click. Some actions are common to various contexts, while the other ones are specific to certain states of the HyperViewer Window. They will be described later. Generally, the content of a pop-up menu depends on the state of selection.

ObjectOverlay commands refer to selected vector object in the ObjectOverlay Drawing. They are available only when exactly one vector object in this drawing is selected. They are available in the Spot pull-down menu and in the vector object pop-up menu.

pop-up menu, which is activated by double clicking in HyperView Window when no vector object is selected, allows selecting which of two foreground drawings you want to work with: ObjectOverlay or Redlining. ObjectOverlay commands are available only when you work with ObjectOverlay drawing.

You can create vector objects in both foreground drawings using commands available through buttons in the Overlay Toolbar.

Any vector object in ObjectOverlay drawing can be linked to one or more business objects and / or documents. This can be done in many ways: linking current object/document, linking object/document set or pasting a link. Commands, which can be used to achieve this, are described below. You can move existing link with cut or copy link operation available in the pop-up menu activated by double clicking in one of the Show Links form grids (described below).

The Show Links command displays the Spot Links dialog that lists objects and documents linked to the selected spot.

The Set As Default command buttons allow to select object or document that can be made current by the Activate Link action. The Go to Object and Go to Document command buttons close the Spot Links dialog and make the selected document or object current.

These commands (and more) are also available through the pop-up menus activated by right-mouse-clicking on document or object lists present in the Spot Links dialog. The Linked Documents pop-up menu can have two forms depending on the number of highlighted documents. You may highlight a document in the Documents List Window by left click on the left column of the list.

HyperDoc can save the printout in HTML format. HTML files created this way can be used to print HyperDoc drawings from an HTML browser. To save printout in HTML, enter print preview and from the pop-up menu select Publish HTML. This command is available when no vector object is selected. HyperDoc will ask for HTML file name for preview page. It will also automatically create additional files containing preview image, full resolution image and pages suitable for printout.

The preview HTML page can be created according to a template. You can enter the template file name and additional parameters in the Tools/Options/Publish HTML Setup command. The template is an ordinary HTML file, which can be created with any suitable HTML editor. It should contain special codes that will be replaced during execution of the Publish HTML command.

$$PreviewGIF$$ - will be replaced by a file name of the preview image

$$PreviewHTML-96$$ - will be replaced by a file name of the HTML page suitable for printing (when the user uses small screen fonts)

$$PreviewHTML-120$$ - will be replaced by a file name of the HTML page suitable for printing (when the user uses large screen fonts)

For successful printing in HTML check for proper margins. Right click on document in Print preview window and select Margins setup. In Margins dialog set margins to 1 cm or more. Now if you want to print HTML document from your Web Browser, select Print Setup and set margins to the values you set in HyperDoc or a little bit greater.

Printing to HTML works with .

The print template may contain special text macros that HyperDoc interprets while printing documents or displaying a print preview. Text macros to be expanded in print template should be entered as dynamic texts. The set of macros resolved in print template is as follows.


current date in short system format


current date in long system format


current time in short system format


current time in long system format


user logged to HyperDoc


scale actually used for printing


nominal drawing scale as defined in TAF


name of the document


name of the current version of the document


original file name of the document


looks for field Field in the current object


looks for field Field in parent object of type Table of the current object


looks for field Field in the context object


looks for field Field in parent object of type Table of the context object

Current object is the object that is currently selected in the navigation hierarchy window. Context object is the object that has been used to display this document (the object that is current when the document is initially displayed).

Multiple macros can be specified in a single text. The macros are separated with a semicolon (;). They are evaluated from left to right, the first macro that can be resolved successfully is used for display. Use text in quotes to specify literal text (usually at the last position to be used as the default text when other macros cannot be resolved).


$Table1.Field1;$Table2.Field2;$ContextObject.$SomeField;"Literal text"

The macros may also be in the following form:


Such a macro is resolved to the value of the field 'Field' in the table 'Table'. The table may be one of the document tables or one of the tables from the current hierarchy. The record is selected using the following criteria:

Any SQL SELECT query may also be specified as a macro text with the following macro syntax:


All occurrences of the string %1 in the query are replaced with current document ID (surrounded by quotes if necessary). The first column of the first returned record is used as a macro expansion.

You can define your own macros, because HyperDoc can notify an Add-In object or external application about printing action (see HyperDoc Configuration and Integration Manual for details).

The following commands allow controlling the HyperViewer Window contents.

The Filtering group of commands is available in the View pull-down menu.

Commands of this group allow applying different Tool Sets (see the section called “Symbol libraries”) to spots connected to business objects based on user-defined conditions. There are two commands in this group: No Filtering and Edit Filter. No Filtering command disables filtering. Edit Filter command allows to edit a presentation. These two commands in the Filtering group are accompanied with names of previously created presentations. Selecting such name from sub-menu makes given presentation active. Presentation is a named sequence of presentation filters. Presentation filter is a pair of two entities: a Tool Set and an SQL predicate. If this predicate evaluates to true in the context of given business object, then the spot connected to this object is displayed with given Tool Set. When a presentation is active, for each spot to be displayed HyperDoc examines the object connected to it and applies all Tool Sets associated with all those predicates that evaluate to true in the active presentation. Sample HyperDoc database contains sample presentation called Room Status, which allows to display spots connected to objects of class Room with different Tool Sets depending on the value of Room_Status attribute.

When a presentation is active a legend form is shown in a separate window. The legend form shows label and tool set for each presentation filter, showing how objects matching criteria specified by the filter are highlighted in HyperViewer Window. Legend is not visible if none of the presentation filters has the Label field defined.

HyperDoc can automatically add legend to the printout. The print template drawing should contain a special rectangle entity, which defines legend location on paper. The special rectangle must have attached user data defined as follows:

Type: Integer

Key: LegendRect

Value: 1

Use Template Editor utility to add the legend rectangle to the print template.

View / Filtering / Edit Filter command launches Presentation Filters dialog, which allows to edit or delete existing presentations and to create new ones. With New command you can create new presentation. Using Delete command button in the upper part of Presentation Filters dialog you can delete existing presentation. With Add command you add presentation filter to selected presentation using Add Presentation Filter dialog. In this dialog you can select a class of business objects to which this presentation filter will apply. You can select a drawing tool that will be used for in this presentation filter. In the Filter field of Add Presentation Filter dialog you enter a condition, for example in the form like ObjectClass.Field operator literal or in any form supported by the SQL dialect of the database used by HyperDoc. If in this condition you want to refer to tables other then ObjectClass table of the object class to which this filter will apply, you must specify all table names in the From field separated by commas. Using Delete command button in the lower part of Presentation Filters dialog you can delete selected presentation filter. Update button launches Update Presentation Filter dialog similar to Add Presentation Filter dialog.

Both these dialogs have Change button, which allows changing Tool Set associated with given presentation filter. This button launches Tool Sets dialog. You are referred to the Super Edit documentation for description of this dialog.

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